Al-Qawi Nanavati
I'm Al-Qawi Nanavati, an artist from Mumbai, India, currently residing in Iowa City. I earned my BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2017. Upon receiving the Iowa Arts Fellowship and a full scholarship, I am pursuing an MFA in Printmaking at the University of Iowa, with a Minor in Papermaking and a certificate in Book Arts.
My work is influenced by meditation, repetition, and the aftermath of loss. I write letters to my late mother, Mumtaz, as a way to feel close and continue conversations. I address ideas of existence and serenity within my practice. In my everyday life, I believe in what I call "selfish selflessness," a way of living whereby one utilizes their strengths, whatever they may be, to better the lives of others and, in turn, lives a life of contentment and peace.
I co-founded Young Art Support, an online platform in India that promotes, exhibits, and sells the work of early career artists commission-free. I wanted to grow this idea, and together with Natasha, Siddharth, and Shaleen, we started Immerse. As an artist, I believe that if one is able to, they should try to create opportunities and platforms for their peers and help one another grow. We must not gate-keep opportunities. Immerse is just that—a space for artists to grow and contribute to the growth of others who come after them.